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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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From Skate Bake Oven Manufacturer

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Got this from a company a MSH member kindly referred me to:

Me: What I need to know first though is this:

I do understand that timer option ovens are available. Most hockeyshops carry different brands of skate that require different heating temperatures. Hence I will be looking for ovens with adjustable temperature range.



we once built a prototype with adjustable temperature, but actually no customer really needed this.

For skates we use only two different temperatures that are preset: 117°C (this is our standard) e.g. for Graf, Korhockey, formerly Mission and 105° C for Bauer.

I think it doesn't matter at all if you use 105°C, 110°C or 120°C. I would prefer a lower temperature and if neccessary put in the skate for a longer time.


These guys seem to be an outsourcer for Bauer, Reebok/CCM, Mission, and Graf ovens.

What do you guys think?

Temperature converter

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