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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor 8 02'

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Have they still be made in '02?

I have had a pair of '01 Vapor 8 and I hated them. They were stiff a rocks and very very narrow (in D width). They weren't heat-moldable yet, so the break-in was a real pain. They also had a major bug with the outer material: it lost its color and turned from grey to yellowish white after a few month.

Honestly, I wouldn't recommend these skates at all.

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Somebody told me that the Vapor 4's were actually better than the 8's...?

I never had them so I wouldn't know. But I have heard some negative things about those skates. They made Vapor 10's right? maybe those are better.

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I never wore these, but was considering the 4's over the 8s because they fit my foot better. The first year the Vapors were released, The 8 was the top of the line model and I was going to have them baked. In the area they were the first skates to be heat moldable.

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The 4s were a lower end boot. The 10 replaced the 8. Although the 10 looked very similar to teh 8, it was a much better boot in every aspect (fit, durability etc.)

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I believe the 8's were a gel around the ankles which is why they were heat modlable, where the 4's had a different boot which is why they weren't.

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I had 3 pairs of 8s. i was the first person i knew to have the 8s and the white thing happened to mine,s ent them back and got a free pair, and it never happened again on the other two i owned. best skate ever IMO

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