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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My new Battram Furys

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Thought I would share this pic with everyone- my new Furys. Pretty much the stock pad, with one major mod - there's double breaks above and below the knee, but only a single break in the outer roll. This gives the pad flexibility in scrambles etc., but stiffness in the bfly. All in all a well put together pad - I'll write a review once the pads are a little more broken in.


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Definitely keep us posted - beautiful set of Furies.

That may be the first set of Furies I've seen that didn't carry the thigh-break through the vertical roll. I think you'll really like it - given how big you are, you'll have no difficulty getting them to flex, but they'll spring back much more than with a break in the roll. That will also stay reasonably consistent over time, since the upper break won't crease through and break down. Well-used Velocity pads (in which I'd count the Furies) with that upper break tend to be like kitchen sponges - those should stay nice and springy.

The one thing you *may* find, given the lack of an upper break, the tapered boot on the Furies, and the blocks on the outside of the thighs of your Vaughn pants, is a little bit of a 'V' in the butterfly at first. You'll probably be able to solve it with strapping (unlike your RBKs).

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