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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate profiling

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I am going to be buying a used pair of One95 skates from someone, they have the blades profiled as 9/10 hybrid profile. I am going to try it out and see how I like it.

Btw, what should I expect from this profile?

If I take these pair to my sharpener, do I have to tell him that the skate has a 9/10 profile?

Does the profile get ruined if the sharpener just sharpens it like normal?

Also, I am currently using RBK 9k's, what is the stock profile of a 9k?


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I believe the 9K have a 10ft radius stock on them - same on the one95's - switching to a 9/10 might give you a little more agility and turning. Shouldn't have to tell your sharpener because he still has to cut the blades the same - - over time might want to get the blades refreshed radius - -depend how much you skate and sharpen your blades - - the big difference you will notice is the boots - you are going to a stiffer slightly higher cut boot with more of a neutral pitch. Having the 9/10 radius put on them will counter some of the difference in boot cut. Also have a slight forward pitch put on them - Good trade off - better boot - but personally I don't think the steel on the bauer's is better then the 9K's might want to replace with step steel if you like the boots.

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