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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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WTT Mission Soldier SE's + $ for higher end skate

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Hey so I'm looking to trade my Mission Soldier SE's, size 9D, for a higher end skate preferably in the Mission or new Bauer line (I like the RX25s) but I am open to other brands (Skate has to fit a size 10.5 shoe). These skates have not been baked and have been skated on about 15 times. They have no deformities and other than a few scuff marks are in perfect condition.

Here are a few pics:





Please let me know if you are interested!!

PM me with any other questions/concerns

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MIA, there's a buy/sell section, but it's not open to you until you've been a member of the site longer, and you also have to pay for it. This is too cut down on problems with dishonesty (not attempting to accuse you, just saying why it exists). In general, it's frowned upon on this site to post things for sale outside of that section. Inlinehockeycentral.com and inlinewarehouse.com both have classified sections that don't require any sort of post count to use. You'll have better luck taking this down and posting there.

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