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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Step blade profile

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Does anyone know if the Step blade profile / pitch is the same as the factory blades they replace? Specifically, I'd like a more neutral pitch on my graf blades, and am wondering if the Step steel might work, as I'm not sure there's a good place to get skates profiled near me.

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I don't know the Step Steel profile out of the box, but you can purchase Step Steel runners with profiling from No Icing Sports or other online sharpening shops. You can get exactly what you want. They will sell you on FBV, and it worth a shot, but since you're in Cali, maybe you should go with normal sharpening so you're not sending you runners across the country continuously.

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To answer my own question, I called a shop that sells Step blades and was told the Graf replacement blades made by Step have the same profile as the factory Graf blades. I emailed Step, and was advised that they couldn't comment on the Graf profile, but their blades have a neutral balance point with a 10 foot radius. I think I'll try the Step blades, as it sounds like they don't have a forward pitch.

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You'll like that steel. I bought some about 6 mos ago, and I would recommend it to anyone who needs new steel. It holds a good edge and sharpens great on my X-02.


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Step have more meat on their steel....very weird at first but you will get used to it.....you will have to profile and then take some off front and back

At least that is what I had to do.....takes a few times to dial in

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I ordered a set of Step blades, and while I was waiting for them I went ahead and got my Graf Cobra blades re-radiused to a neutral pitch. The re-radius job helped a lot; much better than the stock blades for me. I then got the Step blades and put them in and went to a public skate, and they are great; even better than the re-radiused Cobra blades. I really like the way they feel. I highly recommend the Step blades in particular to those who find the Cobra blades too far forward pitched. By the way, I got the regular Step steel, not the Velocity.

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