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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X:60 vs XXXX vs 9k/U+

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Hey guys I did search through a few pages but nothing really helped me out much with this somewhat specific question. I just got done trying on skates and I fit really well into a 8.5D Bauer Vapor X:60. I'm considering some other skates as well and my question is this, what size does a 8.5D X:60 translate into in terms of a RBK/CCM, specifically the 9K-11K/U+ Reloaded? Also, is the sizing different between the last few years Vapors (XXX-XXXX) compared to the current Vapors (X:60)? At this point I'm only concerned with length, I realize that RBK/CCM typically runs wider than the Bauer Vapor line. Thanks in advance for any help.

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A Bauer Vapor 8.5D does not translate to CCM/Reebok...at all.

CCM/Reebok have a 'reputation' of being wide...that's only half true. If you like the fit of Bauer, you'll probably hate the fit of RBK/CCM as they are narrow in the forefoot and wide in the heel when compared to a Vapor. Completely different fit & feel.

Try a pair on and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

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Ok I'm not buying that.. speaking purely in terms of the length, I'm pretty sure a 8.5D Vapor X:60 translates into SOME size in RBK/CCM..?? I'd like try on some RBK/CCM's but I'm a poor college student, therefore I'm opting to pick up some gently used skates instead of buying new.. so I'm not going to go into the ONE LHS we have were I live and ask to try on all kinds of skates. That would be a "d-bag" move on my part.

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A Bauer Vapor 8.5D does not translate to CCM/Reebok...at all.

CCM/Reebok have a 'reputation' of being wide...that's only half true. If you like the fit of Bauer, you'll probably hate the fit of RBK/CCM as they are narrow in the forefoot and wide in the heel when compared to a Vapor. Completely different fit & feel.

Try a pair on and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

+1 from a current x60 owner and former 9k owner.

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I just went from a RBK 9k size 9D to a Bauer Vapor X:60 LE size 8.5D. I thought my 9k's fit me pretty good until I put my feet in the X:60's. These new Vapors feel incredible. I can't believe the difference. I'm selling my old 9k's. PM me if you are interested.

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