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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shortest Shins, Size for Size?

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after having taken a few nice falls on my knees over the last 2 weeks, i decided that my graf g500's aren't quite cutting in the knee cap area. i liked the fact that the bottom of them had a bit of extra space so i could cut an inch off to make them fit better (14") as they tend to fit a bit longish compared to others i've seen. had to go 14" because 13" shinpads in all brands are just too narrow for my short/wide legs, especially considering i go tongues in. didn't absolutely have to cut them, but they did fit a bit better after doing so.

so i've narrowed it down to the 3 pairs listed above as they all seem to have great knee protection. i can't do any kind of comparison locally because no one has the reeboks or ccm's in stock in 14" in any of their models. i'm particularly interested in the last generation ccm's as the new generation seems to look a bit narrower. any thoughts?

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I'm not sure, so I'm not going to say a definitive yes... but I believe they are equal. I cannot comment on Mission but they had some wider shins also.

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I'm not sure, so I'm not going to say a definitive yes... but I believe they are equal. I cannot comment on Mission but they had some wider shins also.

fair enough, and thanks again.

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