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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing One95 runner

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I have a One95 8.5 E not EE and not liking the feel of the LS 2.1 runners. I am thinking of switching it out for LS 2 runners. My holder are 280.

Which size runners do I need to get? The reason I ask is, looking at Bauer's 2009 product catalogue and HG's site, http://www.hockeygiant.com/bauls2ssrunsr.html it says either 272 or 280 depending on width D or EE, but mine is E.

Also what are the advantages/disadvantage of having 280 over 272.

Thank you.

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If you have (size) 280 holders, you will need (size) 280 runners. Get what corresponds with the skate you have in hand says, not what some website does, or doesnt, say.................

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If you have (size) 280 holders, you will need (size) 280 runners. Get what corresponds with the skate you have in hand says, not what some website does, or doesnt, say.................

Got ya.

For education purpose, why the two different size and what are the advantage of having 280 over 272?


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Correct. You want to match the size of the steel to the size of the runners to ensure they fit. Easiest way is to flip your skate over and read one of the TUUKs for size (will either show 272L, 272R, 280L, or 280R). The 2XX part is the size of blade that you will need to order a pair of; the L/R refers to the left or right, depending on what skate you are looking at.

If your question was what is the difference between a holder/runner combo of 280 to 272, it is obviously the length. And the smaller the combo, the tighter the turns (same with going to LS2 from LS2.1, just a different way to get there); longer refers to possibly more straight away speed/stability.

Again, the above comment about size difference refers to swapping out the ENTIRE COMBO of TUUK holder and steel for size. The pieces of the combo need to be the same size, else the steel will not fit in the holder. So match the two.

Hope that it is clear.

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Correct. You want to match the size of the steel to the size of the runners to ensure they fit. Easiest way is to flip your skate over and read one of the TUUKs for size (will either show 272L, 272R, 280L, or 280R). The 2XX part is the size of blade that you will need to order a pair of; the L/R refers to the left or right, depending on what skate you are looking at.

If your question was what is the difference between a holder/runner combo of 280 to 272, it is obviously the length. And the smaller the combo, the tighter the turns (same with going to LS2 from LS2.1, just a different way to get there); longer refers to possibly more straight away speed/stability.

Again, the above comment about size difference refers to swapping out the ENTIRE COMBO of TUUK holder and steel for size. The pieces of the combo need to be the same size, else the steel will not fit in the holder. So match the two.

Hope that it is clear.

Thank you. Exactly the info I was looking for.

Been reading on this forum about guys changing runner size on their skates but never understood the benefits.

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Thank you. Exactly the info I was looking for.

Been reading on this forum about guys changing runner size on their skates but never understood the benefits.

Glad I could help. Let us know what you decide/how it turns out.

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I had the same problem you are currently having and I simply had my LS2.1 radiused with a smaller cut. I htink LS2.1 is 11' I switched to 10. There are people on this site with far more knoweldge than I. Try it first it might help.

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