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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Revision Wheel Hardness, opinions?

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I know there is a wheel thread going on right now but I wanted this to be separate in case their was someone browsing the forums and not looking in that thread. I'm looking to pick up a full set of Variants for my commander se's and am on the fence as to which Variant wheel to get. I'm 5'9 and right around 145-150 lbs. I'm currently skating on Rink Rat Hornet 76a's and they honestly feel like shit. They seem slippy, and just don't feel like they match my skating/playing.

I'm looking for something with good grip that I can stop clean, take hard cuts but yet not sacrifice my speed. I'm not looking to mix and match my wheels so in a nutshell should I get a set of 8 Revision Gold (74a) Variants? Or Revision Platinum (72a) Variants?


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gold lasts way longer. plats are grippy but like skating in quicksand. thats why you mix and match. im 5'10 and i'm 160 now but i just put on 10 lbs. i go through plats in about month, skating every sat and sun (total of 6 hours). gold lasts about 2 and a half months.

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Good info for sure man. We're about the same size. All golds have been my initial thought as well, its good to hear some feedback on the plats.

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I am Close your size as well(5' 11" 165lbs) I just ordered a set of 8 GOLDS! I will be playing two nights a week, so we'll see how it goes! B)

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hey revison is changing the color of the Variants for 10. there gunna be light blue..looks pretty sick on the commander se's

Nice! Thanks for the heads up dude. Wasn't aware on the color change. He mentioned them dropping mid march in the video, anyone have confirmation for when these will be available, or if they are available somewhere already?

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i dont know how you go through revisions so quickly. 2 months is crazyyy fast.

i weigh 160lbs and use the plat and gold setup. it is a perfect fit for me. i play college inline and skate about 3 times a week on sport court and mine have lasted for almost 6 months and still feel brand new. now, i am not hard on wheels by any means and i rotate about once every other week, but i have never heard of going through wheels that quickly.

not trying to say you are wrong or anything like that, but i wanted to share my experience as well.

curious to hear others' experiences

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