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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Montreal Downtown

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My wife and I are headed to Montreal this week (on a Tuesday night). We're in our 30's, not looking for a meat market... maybe someplace to hear a little live music (prefer rock or metal) or a DJ. A mellow pub with a great atmosphere would be cool too. We'll be staying downtown. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help!

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As long as the weather is decent...roam up and down Crescent street...Not sure you'll find Metal...but there should be something along there to suit your mood.

Some of them are definitely "clubby"...barely legals just looking to get drunk and pick up...but there are some cool alternatives as well.

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Can't beat club super sex , right there on st catherines street! haha. Might have to sneak away for a few hours

Our hotel is right by Wanda's ;)

I've got this funny feeling that it ain't happening, though.

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One of the dancers from Wanda's goes to my gym throughout the week, and she is a bombshell. If you're looking for some solid pubs, some with live music, all with great food, and great beer, definately check out McKibbon's, Irish Embassy, or Hurley's. Hurley's is on Crescent, the others on Bishop St. I believe, which is minutes walk from there.

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