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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are creases in the boot a problem?

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I'm about 250 and a better than average skater. I'm on my second pair of Graf 705 skates after a pair of Bauer 3000 and Bauer 1000 skates that have all creased in the same spot: outside set of eyelets on both boots at the "hinge" of the foot (between 3rd and 4th eyelet down from top).

Is this a problem? Should I be looking into stiffer skates? Am I tripping over something that is just normal wear and tear that has no bearing on the skate's performance? "Oh my god! You need new skates ASAP!"

Any conjecture from the skate gurus would be much appreciated.

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i'm guessing you are heavy enough that you are exceeding the skates stiffness. Do you tie the top of the boot tight or loose? My guess would be that you are tieing the top tight and when you forward flex you create the wrinkle in the boot. if that's the case then the solution would maybe to get a stiffer skate and then tie the vertical eyelets loose so that you can still get that forward flex even with a stiff boot.

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