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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X:50 and X:60, break in compared to the XXXX

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Is the boot on the X50 and X60 stiffer then the XXXX ? It didn't take me long at all the break in the XXXX, just wondering if I can expect the same break in period if I decide to get the X50 or X 60'S

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The 60 is a little softer (IMHO) than the 40, so I think it breaks in a little easier.

The 50, is just the old 40, so it will be the same.

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I never wore xxxx but coming from s17's to the 60's i was shocked.....there was no pain just having to get used to the different boot styles

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My experience with XXX's, One90, and one95's has been zero break in process. It is important to Bauer to have an out of box fit so I wouldn't worry too much about it being a problem.

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Well, I've been using my X60s for about three weeks now (3 times per week), and I'd say they are pretty well broken in now, but still not completely. Heat molding made a big difference, and I think it's needed with these skates. I'm also coming from Eastons, so part of what I might perceive as the "break-in" could just be adjusting to the different type of skate. I feel more on my toes in the vapors than I did even in the Eastons with their included heel lift.

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