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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anyone familiar with K1 League jerseys

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I am getting new jerseys for my team, and the best option I could find that suits the style I want is the K1 League jerse.

I tried on a large (no shoulder pads) but the Large was HUGE, even with pads on it would still be huge,,,,like it would probably be an XL or 2XL in other styles.

Was wondering if this is just how this style jersey is cut? So if u take a medium, the small would fit you fine etc...

It's polyester so it probably won't shrink all tha much

thanks in advance

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We've been using them on my team for years. Cut is the old school "box" style and a little larger than most other brands I've used. It's also significantly larger than edge jerseys. Most of our guys still prefer the XL to the L, only guys that wear medium shirts or smaller have gone with anything below XL with our orders.

PM me if you have any specific questions and I can probably help you.

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