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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cleaning/Caring for your Gloves

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What do you guys do to take care of your gloves?

I actually tried something new this time — I'm big on car care products (I take care of my car as if it were my first born son) and I take very good care of the car's leather...sooooo, I tried the same leather cleaner and conditioner that I use on my car on my gloves.

Croftgate USA Leather cleaner - A light foam that you pump onto the leather. You let it sit for a minute or so and agitate it with a light brush.

Pinnacle Leather Conditioner - this stuff is the absolute bomb for car leather! It's got a very high Lenoylyn content and the stuff smells like pure leather. Protects very well.

Anyway, the gloves look great and the palms actually got a little bit lighter looking and don't smell nearly as bad. Just figured I'd toss that out, the stuff is not cheap unfortunately. What do you guys use?

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