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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One95 Tapered Shaft?

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all I can say is, that the standard shaft+blade (both one95) is longer than the one95 OPS by about 2 inches, everything of course being stock length.

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So.. they do not compensate for the shorter blade?! The tapered two piece stick(X60) should end up somewhere around 58 inches, and the regular two piece (One95) around 60 inches, correct?

I'd say 54 in is considered long enough to compensate for a shorter blade. Tapered shafts used to be much shorter. Also the one95 standard shaft is longer than most shafts and when paired up with the blade, it's longer than most ops at stock length

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I think the one95 standard plus the one95 blade is 62 inches, the same length as a one85. The x:60 and one 95 tapered shaft's with blade come in around 59 inches, just shy of a one piece. My buddy loves that he does not have to cut his x:60's down like he does his one piece sticks.

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