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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forsberg for life

for anyone in calgary

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for anyone living in calgary: if you go to play it again in westhills (s.w.)they have the new synergy skates and have 5 stealth's .

the stealths are 400$ cdn and the synergy skates are 800 $

just sharing

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i saw the synergy skate..hold up in my hand and well...there not so impressive than that....and not that light!!!!it like a vector pro!!!1in my opinions...

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The Synergy is lighter than the Vector Pro, if you take out the insoles from both. THe Shock Doctor insoles is quite heavy, much more so than the crummy CCM insoles.

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tuxedo has stealths for 350, and synergys for 775.

I can also confirm that B&P Cycle and Pro Skate have the Stealth at $350.

I have no idea what each shop is selling the Synergy skate for as I'm not in the market so I didn't check.

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