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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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taper length

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Just bought a new dolo DD spyne and later found out that warrior changed the kick point on this stick and left the regular dolo the same as before. They call it a linear taper. I guess they still consider it a low kick point stick but the flex Is distributed over a longer portion of the shaft. Any thoughts on how this would affect how the stick plays and shoots? This is my first warrior and I'm coming from a stealth cnt which I loved. Also I heard the cnt had a taper length of 24". Does anyone know taper lengths of any ops or know where to find them? Thanks. Also has anyone used this years dolo spyne?

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Original Synergy/Response and other "first gen" style shaft and blade OPS were 11" taper. Vectors were 18". I don't like when they stiffen the lower portion of the stick, though that's all about preference.

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Ok and shorter taper length would equal stiffer right

Given the exact same construction methods and kickpoint, that would be somewhat correct. You will generally get more kick with the longer taper, but that will reduce accuracy.

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