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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone using two pairs?

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Just wondering if any of you are using two pairs of skates, one for practices one for games. Is it better just to use one pair for everything to keep the feel, or is it worth while to use one pair for practices and use another skates just for games to keep them in better condition? I have always just used one pair, but I will soon be playing collegiate level and will be getting a lot more rink time for practices. I just don't want to break my brand new skates down too fast.

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If you were to use two different pairs it would be different everytime you skate because the skates could have two different hallows from skating on one more then the other. also it would make itweird because one pair would be more broken in and flimsier then the other one. It is bound to happen either way (having the new pair break down) but if you were to do it what would be the skates that you would be using?

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I have different pairs of skates. I usually wear mission commanders for games and soldier blacks for pickups. For me it also has to do with the rinks and surfaces too. I used to switch between completely different set ups, the soldier blacks and reebok 5k's, and didn't have a huge problem once I realized the differences in the skates and could prepare myself for that before stepping on the rink. But now that I picked up the commanders, the main difference is stiffness, and a little bit weight, but I don't really notice that.

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the setups on your skates are different... the HE5500 uses a 72mm wheel in front, and the Mission Boss uses a vangaurd 76mm in front. Unless you convert both to have the same setup, your pitch would be different.

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Yeah, skating two different pairs for different situations might save you money in the long run, but do you really want to be practicing in one pair, then putting those new skills to use in a different pair of skates? You're going to have a different pitch, different stiffness, different responsiveness, and the wear and grip of the wheels will probably be different. It seems that at the start of every game you'd have a small learning curve where you're getting used to a different pair of skates.

To me, it just seems like a lot of effort with a bigger potential downside, and your end gain is pretty negligable.

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I just like using one pair and playing and loving them as much as possible. After they break down, then I spend some time in transition, which I absolutely hate, but then I get used to the new skates. Then all is good for a time. And the cycle continues.

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