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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Refs Gear

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This is my first year reffing and I need to get the stuff so I can actually start doing games. Because its my first year and I'll be doing just bantam and below, plus adult B league and below, do I really need all the gear? I know that I'll need the sweater, pants, and whistle, but what about elbow and shin pads and girdle? What brands should I be looking at? I obviously don't need the high end stuff yet, but I don't want to have to replace anything real soon. Where are some good places to buy? Thanks.

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How soon do you need it?

I would suggest elbows, shins and some type of padding. The Stevens gear is probably the best on the market right now.

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Theres no rush. Ideally I'd like to have it by this weekend so I can do games, but if not its no big deal. I plan on ordering it online, probably tomorrow or Tuesday. I was going to try to get some stuff on eBay, but I have no idea what is good, what is bad, how good the prices are, ect.

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Check the referees closet. The owner is on a ref website I visit from time to time and his prices aren't too bad. I still use a pair of old Mylec street hockey pads for my shins and cheap CCM 90 elbow pads with my CCM pants with built in pads. Whatever you do, don't buy the CCM pants, they suck. You don't need much but having protection is better than not having it.

The Stevens pants with the built in girdle are nice, a lot of guys around here wear them. They were getting very popular in the NHL and AHL before the THC deal.

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For thoes leagues you really dont need any equipment. I do similar ages and just wear pants shirt and helmet. 1st year you will mostly do little house guys who cant lift the puck so more equip. isnt needed.

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