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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New York City (Queens)

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I'm helping set up a new Ice league at World Ice in Flushing Meadows Park

Cost: $4000 a team

Season Length: 10 game season plus playoffs

Game Nights/Times: Monday thru Thursday at 10pm

League will also accept Free Agents.

This is the first season being run out of the new rink (it's only about a year or so old), if anyone is interested either reply to the thread or PM me for more info.

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How is the douche-bag level here? The closer I get to LI the larger ratio of them I seem to find. Cage or visors? Facilities? Maybe I was high when I checked, but there doesn't seem to be many pics on the website promoting the new rink. Speed skating thing seems very interesting.

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How is the douche-bag level here? The closer I get to LI the larger ratio of them I seem to find. Cage or visors? Facilities? Maybe I was high when I checked, but there doesn't seem to be many pics on the website promoting the new rink. Speed skating thing seems very interesting.

I've been going to Open Hockey here for a couple weeks now and haven't encountered really too many clowns/douchebags. There was 1 guy who was showboating last Friday night a little bit but out of the 23 skaters he was the only clown.

Have to wear at least a half visor the hockey director says, there are 4 Locker Rooms with a shower and bathroom in each one. Only bad thing is the pro shop never seems to be open, but that is something that can be fixed.

Check out www.worldice.com, that's the rink's website

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