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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stretching and Punching Skates

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I got some 9k's in an E width. Ideally i would of got an EE but the size wasn't available at the price, but the E's feel pretty good.

I a bone in the middle on the outside of my foot in the middle that i think is causing the pain when i tie my skates tight but i also think i could use a little extra room in width overall, just so i can tie my skates tighter (i tie the bottom section of my skates at about medium tightness).

So its it possible to strectch for width (i see alot of people stretching for length) and most importantly is there any effects to the boot such as weakening?

Should i maybe punch out the spot or get them baked for a second time (20 skates)?

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I had my skates punched out a while ago. It helped a little bit, but the pain still came back on the side of my foot where a bone was protruding. My advice is to tie all the eyelets normally except that specific place where it hurts and thats where you want to loosen it. It helped me quite a bit and the pain wasn't very noticeable.

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