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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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There are a lot of difference, totally different than the ZeroG. Focus is flat faced, single knee break, wider leg channel, thin rigid thigh rise, squared thigh to full 11' width (90 degree edges vs traditional top of thigh taper), tapered inner toe starts at 9.25" vs 9.75" for the ZeroG. I have this pad in the store, not much flex to it, very flat and stiff compared to the ZeroG which I use myself. It seems heavier than the G as well. Likely from the all leather straps and bigger knee cradle.

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Okay, so i loved my Rbk 8k's, and was so-so with my RX9's. The Focus would be closer to the RBK's than the Zero G's, correct? I am going to look at them before i order, but it might be awhile before i get to see them, and i would like to get an idea. Thanks for the help.

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Yes, the Focus is more like a RBK 8k which has no breaks (unless you got the Turco model). I wouldn't rule out the ZG. I too loved my RBK's but I found when I went to the ZG's I got better 5 hole closure IMO, the Focus is better for a goalie who has a BFLY spread like this _ _ than one like this ^.

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