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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ak27 DD blade or Dolo SPyne DD

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Is the spyne the only difference? If so is it even a noticeable difference? I have heard good things about the AK blade with a one95 shaft but have no experience with them.

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I have played with Easton for many years.

But two seasons ago I switched to Warrior, AK27 shaft and blade.

Must say the best combi I have ever had.

Normally I use two blades a mounth and I didn't use the slap shot much.

Now with Warrior I use 4-6 blades for 6 mounths and have a hell of a slap shot.

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I have played with Easton for many years.

But two seasons ago I switched to Warrior, AK27 shaft and blade.

Must say the best combi I have ever had.

Normally I use two blades a mounth and I didn't use the slap shot much.

Now with Warrior I use 4-6 blades for 6 mounths and have a hell of a slap shot.

So you are getting about a month a blade?

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I've used 4 Warrior one piece sticks over the last few years, and right now i've got a cut off dolo with a warrior ak Hd blade in it, I will tell you this every single warrior blade i've had has broken or split apart on the end up on the toe part, i've even tried taping my stick in a new way to cover the end but it doesn't nothing. It pisses me off big time but i love the feel of the warrior blades and i love the kovalev curve, other then the splitting I have no other complaint about warrior blades actually i love them, just wish they woudln't split

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I've used 4 Warrior one piece sticks over the last few years, and right now i've got a cut off dolo with a warrior ak Hd blade in it, I will tell you this every single warrior blade i've had has broken or split apart on the end up on the toe part, i've even tried taping my stick in a new way to cover the end but it doesn't nothing. It pisses me off big time but i love the feel of the warrior blades and i love the kovalev curve, other then the splitting I have no other complaint about warrior blades actually i love them, just wish they woudln't split

Have you tried putting a little epoxy on those areas when they start? I find that it slows the death a little bit, anyway.

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I've used 4 Warrior one piece sticks over the last few years, and right now i've got a cut off dolo with a warrior ak Hd blade in it, I will tell you this every single warrior blade i've had has broken or split apart on the end up on the toe part, i've even tried taping my stick in a new way to cover the end but it doesn't nothing. It pisses me off big time but i love the feel of the warrior blades and i love the kovalev curve, other then the splitting I have no other complaint about warrior blades actually i love them, just wish they woudln't split

How long til they start to split?

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With HD blades, not too long. I had a Dolomite HD that started to chip at the toe 4-5 ice times in and I tape all the way to the toe. IMO the feel is better than Warrior's previous blades but they split way too fast (I only play rec hockey). Hopefully the new blades are better.

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When I used the mac daddy's i would get almost a full season out of them before they started to split, then they stoped making them so i switched to a dolo and I got like half a season out of it before it spilt, when i went to the ak27 hd blade like the poster above it started to split after like 4 or 5 games

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