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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quick help on new equipment

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Alright so I am looking to replace some of my hockey stuff and needed some recommendations and questions answered.

First thing I need are some new shin pads. I have pretty much decided on either the Reebok 10k or 8k. I just don't really know what the difference really is between them, the site says an extended shin cap, so is the 10k just a little longer?

Also I am in need of a new stick. I am looking at either the X:60 or the one95 in a 77 flex. I am looking for a good all around stick, mainly for wrist shots and one timers with a small wind up. I want a stick with nice pop. While I have heard alot about the one95, i have not really heard alot of feedback on the x60 so any help would be really appreciated.

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My advice is to go to your LHS and touch, feel, try on everything and buy. Also, you can't go wrong with either of the

two sticks you are considering; just buy one and worry about bringing your game up to the level of those sticks.

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