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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Justin Liedloff

Orange County, California

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I'm looking for 2 defensemen for a C+/B- league at Anaheim Ice. The division at Anaheim Ice is called "Silver West".

PM or email me if you are interested.

I live in NJ, but I would play on your team just to look at those pads all the time!! :lol:

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Thanks for asking me if I wanted to play...prick. :)

Perhaps if you gave some sort of hint that you were even considering knocking the dust off of your skates . . .

I live in NJ, but I would play on your team just to look at those pads all the time!! :lol:

Truth is, I only get to look at the pads when I happen to go into the cabinet in the garage that they are stored in. I haven't played goal in years, and may never play again. :(

Years of playing goal has taken its toll on my hips and knees. Still, I don't see myself ever getting rid of those pads. They are my babies.

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