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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanahan's Classic Stealth

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let me know if this works: shanahan stick

let me know if you want more pics... it's not really clear to see how bowed it really is.


I disagree, it looks like it very bowed.

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let me know if this works: shanahan stick

let me know if you want more pics... it's not really clear to see how bowed it really is.


I disagree, it looks like it very bowed.

I can see it, too. If you line up the very top with the top of the blade, its obviously bowed.

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yeah, i realized that later. actually, i was just going to post the smaller 640x400 versions directly into the post, but since i used the site i used the full sized versions.

i'm glad you guys like the pics! :)

gotta give props to the lemmiwinks reference in the avatar!

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as a quick question, i read the help section and it said admins might allow posting of pics directly into posts -- will that be available? i mean, my webshots site looks like a lot of fun, so i'm gonna use that.... just curious if pics will be allowed in posts.

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That was a pretty sick episode. He shoved that tube in the guys but the Lemmingwinks was crawling aound in there :lol: .

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