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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Specific Bauer vapor flex Q.

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So, I just got a X:40, 102 flex in the mail. Apparently the shaft length is not 60”, but 58” and the kane curve is more like a 5.5 lie. So I need to add about 2-2.5” of length to the stick. I understand this will change the flex to about 95. It feels much stiffer than my 100 mid-flex AK27 shaft (XL), at the current length of 58”. I realize that this is because the X:40 is a low kick stick and it will feel less flexy b/c I am used to a mid flex. Does this mean I should go with a lower flex stick? Or, just add the 2” and use it to find out ? Just because it “feels” stiffer b/c of the low kick, it technically is not stiffer? Right? If I went with an 87 I would have to at the same 2” and change it to 80. I am 6’4” 200 lbs, I play mostly defense, prefer to wrist shot since I am more accurate that way. I am new to trying different equipment and need some advice. Thanks

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It's 58"? That's the same length as my CCM U+CL intermediate. Are you sure it isn't an intermediate stick?

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It's gotta be a senior... you can't get INT in 102 flex...

According to the Bauer website... SR is 60" and INT is 57"

Maybe it's a prostock?

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yes, from the heel it is 58", I measured it. I know it is a senior 102 flex.

not pro stick either... I ordered it understanding it was 60".

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I have to back up the orriginal poster on the length. I bought an intermidiate One95 and have a Mid-Flex CCM Cl (57"). I had to cut off at least an 1", if not 2" to get my CL to match my One95. The new Mid Flex CL will be 58", but this one is the 2009 model.

My point is, I think there may be a difference b/w the way companies measure their sticks.

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Originally OPSs were 57" with a 3" wood plug. Later Easton did composite plugs, then finally just started making 60" OPSs. Over the past two years they've shortened them slightly. My U+ came in at 59" as did my one95. I believe my pro stock AK27 OPS(Dolomite) was 60" but I'm not 100% sure.

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So since you all have alot of experience with sticks. Do you prefer a lower flex on a low kick shaft? Or do you keep it the same than your mid flex shafts?

And do you think that adding 2" change the flex closer to my Warrior 100??

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Originally OPSs were 57" with a 3" wood plug. Later Easton did composite plugs, then finally just started making 60" OPSs. Over the past two years they've shortened them slightly. My U+ came in at 59" as did my one95. I believe my pro stock AK27 OPS(Dolomite) was 60" but I'm not 100% sure.

Spot on. Almost nobody goes the full 60" because it's simply really big. More rec leagues are 5'9 and have to cut length than are 6'5 and have to add it. Anyway, 59" is great for me so I'm thrilled all the way around.

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