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Pre-Game Warmup Drills

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Does anyone have any diagrams or written descriptions of the 4-5 different type of warm-up drills that every NHL and most other high level hockey teams execute in the pre-game skate? I usually see teams start out by skating in two half circles, shooting loose pucks on net; then they line up on both side boards and execute a 2-on-1 criss-cross drill; then three lines of shooters, taking shots on the goalie; then the team all skates in and shoots all the loose pucks again. Does anyone know of any other pre-game skate drills NHL teams execute? I would like picture diagrams or written descriptions if possible. Thanks.

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I've seen some AHL teams doing a goal mouth scramble drill. Shot from the point. About 5-6 guys move right to the edge of blue ice as the shot goes in and they just whack at it until either the goalie gets a glove on it or it goes in...then they all back away...new guys in...new shot.

I've seen a few guys come out of the drill pretty happy looking about the goal...maybe they play for dinner after the game or something.

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That is usually the last drill, with the guys left on the ice at or before the buzzer. There is usually money or something of the like on it.

One really important one is the breakout and regroup.

Three lines just outside the blueline. Winger dumps it in, d man go back and get it, exucute a breakout and regroup in the neutral zone and break in 3 on 2. This is the best warmup for the players as it simulates game play breakouts and odd man rushes. By this time the goalies are warmed up so the focus is less on them and more on the players really goin.

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