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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help Controlling My Speed

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The topic description says it all. I'm coming off a knee injury and have really gotten my speed up, but I have a terrible time handling the puck and shooting at max speed... Any thoughts?

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Start slower and work your way up. Do some full ice puck control drills at like 50% speed, and when you feel like you will not lose it, go a little faster. Improving your hands in general will probably help too. Good luck!

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I had almost the same problem coming from roller, I could skate really fast, but changing direction or stopping sucked.

Just practice what you are not good at. Get a shooting board or use a ball and work on stick handling.

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Takes time. Just keep playing. I found pick-up games with friends are good, because you can try all that fun/fancy/goofy stuff you'd never do in a game, but it really helps your hands and co-ordination.

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youre probably trying to do too much. you dont need to stick handle like crazy when full speed. just push the puck along with one hand when going straight, then when you need to turn or get through traffic you can use two hands and make a move or two if needed.

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Does anybody else get the image of the kid from the 2nd mighty ducks movie that can't stop in their head when they read this post?

Luis Mendoza!!! When I first started back I was going to get a jersey with his name on it.

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Luis Mendoza!!! When I first started back I was going to get a jersey with his name on it.

Loved that part, especially Jan taking 10 minutes to stack up all those cans over and over so he could just crash into them. My mom was pretty displeased when I did that in the garage on my roller blades.

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