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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is really starting to bug me...

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I dont know what the deal is but in the past few years ive noticed my right skate blade tipping over. Here's a list of skates that have done this: Nike Ignite 1, Graf 705, Nike Quest 1 and my Nike Quest Pro Stocks. I first noticed this about 2 years ago. Could it be something wrong with my physicaly? Or is it misaligned holders? This only seems to happen when I use them ALOT and I either fix it or it goes back to normal after I havnt used them for a while. I notice it when Im sharpening them. Its really hard to get the shapener to line up properly. Most times I have to put the blade in a vice and push the boot down to get it looking like this again ||

If you look at the skate like your checking the hollow it looks like this // only its not nearly that extreme.

My Quest Pro Stocks arent giving me too much trouble compared to my older skates but it still happens from time to time.

Any advise JR or anyone who has ever seen this?

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I see it all the time on skates people have had for a while. I just replaced a pair of holders and steel for a friend's Grafs that were like that. He noticed an improvement with the new holders.

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