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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Returning skates to my LHS.

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just a stupid question at this latest point...do you think a half size difference is worth to go custom? or do you size your smaller foot and punch/stretch the other...?

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I would love to do custom skates, but I don't think any LHS around me has much experience with custom skates (I've never actually asked if they do it) since I don't live in a big hockey market and we don't have very many places that carries high end gear.

I usually skate in pretty snug skates anyway, but usually when I buy skates I usually buy them so the toes on my right foot is feathering the toe cap, which usually makes it so my left toe is touching the toe cap, not jammed in there but pretty much right up against the toe cap. I've never had to get the boots stretched or punched, but after baking and breaking in the skates and the foams in the ankle area compacting a little it becomes ok.

If I have the chance to have an experienced person that can order me a custom skate in the future I'd love to. Maybe next time I need skates I'll make a vacation/custom ordering trip and get one done.

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Apparently I'm a mutant and one foot is bigger than the other so we took that into consideration while sizing me up for a new pair.

Dude...you're not a misfit...you're actually normal. Most people have different sized feet. Feet are not typically symmetrical...we just in general know a lot less about the human body than we claim to know.


This is why it is worth spending the extra $$$ for a custom fit. If shoes are usually misfitted...just imagine how much worse it is with a hockey boot.

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