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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cleaning skates between games?

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I did search and was unable to find anything, if this was discussed before please send me in the right direction B)

The rink I play at is busy all day, everyday and thus gets very dirty. I cleaned my skates before my last game because I changed wheels/bearings and after the game they were caked in dust and dirt. What if anything can I do between games to keep them clean. I was thinking about spraying them with a can of air after the game.

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Compressed air is a pretty good idea I'd say. Not sure what else would be better... A towel and compressed air, probably can't get any better.

Yep, not much better than those two suggestions. You can pull the insoles if you'd like. Regularly doing these things will also help your bearings last longer since there's not as much crap to get into them.

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Compressed air just throws the junk all over the place. That's amateur. Haha! Seriously...I know I take it a little too far, but I vacuum my stuff. Then I'll take some rubbing alcohol or even windex or some kind of cleaner and that gets them real nice. The alcohol is good cuz it gets up the really stuck on junk and also some of the residue that can build up. I've heard of guys saying the alcohol can dry out the wheel, but I use 91% alc. and have never had a problem.

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Compressed air just throws the junk all over the place. That's amateur. Haha! Seriously...I know I take it a little too far, but I vacuum my stuff. Then I'll take some rubbing alcohol or even windex or some kind of cleaner and that gets them real nice. The alcohol is good cuz it gets up the really stuck on junk and also some of the residue that can build up. I've heard of guys saying the alcohol can dry out the wheel, but I use 91% alc. and have never had a problem.

A vacuum is great but doesn't quite have the force of compressed air for removing some stuff.

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Compressed air just throws the junk all over the place. That's amateur. Haha! Seriously...I know I take it a little too far, but I vacuum my stuff. Then I'll take some rubbing alcohol or even windex or some kind of cleaner and that gets them real nice. The alcohol is good cuz it gets up the really stuck on junk and also some of the residue that can build up. I've heard of guys saying the alcohol can dry out the wheel, but I use 91% alc. and have never had a problem.

I bring a Hoover along with me to every game.

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use a soft paint brush to get the heavy stuff off, then used a low pressure system of air to clean it off then wipe the entire boot and chassis off, re lube with mt oil that i mixed up for skating. and then use 90% alcohol to wipe the wheels off (twice for each wheel). and then off to the bag for the next practice or game.

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You can pull the insoles if you'd like.

i've found i only need to do this for ice skates. my ice skate rivets will rust like crazy. my inline skate rivets never do and i sweat more than anyone i know.

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use a soft paint brush to get the heavy stuff off, then used a low pressure system of air to clean it off then wipe the entire boot and chassis off, re lube with mt oil that i mixed up for skating. and then use 90% alcohol to wipe the wheels off (twice for each wheel). and then off to the bag for the next practice or game.

I used rubbing alcohol to clean my wheels the other day and it was amazing! They felt like they were brand new, lots of grip. Thanks for the tip!

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I used rubbing alcohol to clean my wheels the other day and it was amazing! They felt like they were brand new, lots of grip. Thanks for the tip!

I've never tried this. Definitely going to give it a go next time I pull my wheels to clean up.

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