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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor XX gloves

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Ok it seems like the vapor gloves are running very small this year. I tried on the vapor XV in a 13 inch and they felt very tight. I am planning on ordering the vapor XX is a 14. I am leaving my 2002 13.5 easton z-airs i love the size but the palms are shot. Well the size of a 14 inch vapor fit like my 13.5 easton?

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It's not going to fit exactly the same anyway since some gloves fit looser/tighter than others. However, I don't think you're going to feel much difference changing from a 13.5" to a 14". Gloves are like one of the only pieces of equipment that's ok to be bigger than you need it to be.

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Your changing the length of the glove not the fit. The new Bauers are a tighter fitting glove than most others I have tried on, you may want to look outside of the XXs if that is a problem for you.

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