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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boss SE Problems

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I recently picked up a pair of Boss SE's and had to send it back because the chassis had cracked on one of the skates on which the chassis was crooked.

Just got the new pair in and ithe new pair has a crooked mount on one of the skates as well. It's a little disappointing since the boot is the most comfortable Mission skate I've ever put on.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem with the new 2010 Boss SE skates or any others in the 2010 line of skates.

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No chassis problems yet on my commander se's and I've put them through hell already. 3 or so plays a week since the first week or two the skate came out.

Send the new pair back dude. Especially since the crooked mount job was the initial reason for the first warranty. Are you dealing with Mission directly or a LHS?

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I could swear my Commander SE chassis are slightly off. I'll have to take measurements and levels or something, but they just don't feel right.

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On my skates it's the left boot that is off. You cn really tell when you take out the insoles and look at the rivets. One of the steel rivets is starred halfway into the side of the boot.

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Send those bad boys back. Mission has ALWAYS been great with customer service, at least in my experience.

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