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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Source for Mission Pitch 3 254mm runners?

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I think I read the warning to snatch these things up as Pitch 3 was going the way of the dodo but I did not heed them at the time.

Looking for a source for Pitch 3 254 mm runners... heck, I'll even pay the extra for the holders if the only way I can get them is as a set. I'm burning through them faster than I thought I would (have about 3 pairs left if I cannabilize) but I go through about 1 a year.

Will buy some AG120s in the near future I think so that will keep me going but was hoping to see if anybody has a lead on just getting some steel.

The next question is that on the sad day I need to go to a different set of holder/runner combo, what's the next best bet? I like the +1 on the Mission pitch so it would need to be something forward leaning I think. I'll take skate/profiling recommendations as well.

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Never made Pitch. Wasn't much of a demand nor an improvement that could have been made to them.

I would have figured that it would have been easy for them to have the Pitch3 design in their system, but I guess I was wrong.

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i have a pair lying around my place. They were on a pair of mission fuel 120xp's...i took them off to put on tuuk custom + holders and runners.

those things were amazing.

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Yeah, I looked at this but it states you need a custom profiling from them. I guess I could call to clarify but was looking for other options as well.

Shame on me for hoarding sticks and gloves instead....

I'm in the same boat, they used to be pretty reasonable. So now $66 a pair plus a custom radius for a pair of blades that part of the design intent was to eliminate the need for a pitch altering radius.

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