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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Axle stuck in wheel

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I have a game tonight and I was switching my wheels (which I have done numerous times without any issues). This time, one axle won't budge. The bolt unscrewed easily, but I can't get the axle out of the wheel. I tried punching it out with my allen key with no success.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get this axle out of my skate without wrecking my chassis?

Edit: If it matters I'm using Bones reds and floating spacers

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This happens to me very frequently. The only solution I've ever found is using a long blunt object and hammer to hammer the axle out.

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This happens to me very frequently. The only solution I've ever found is using a long blunt object and hammer to hammer the axle out.

Yep just be careful you don't damage the threads on your axle or your bolt won't go back on very easily.

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Indeed, that thread damage is virtually unavoidable after a while and the reason I bought a bunch of extra axles. Supposedly the jamming is due to dirt, and I play on what must be the dirtiest sportcourt in existence.

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Used a punch and a hammer and I couldn't get it out, then I sprayed some WD40 and used the punch and hammer again, which finally got it out.

I tested the axle after I got it out, there was some resistance through the spacer, but if I tried to jam it through the bearings it would get stuck again.

When I looked at the axle, the diameter on the end near the threads was larger than the diameter on the other half. What I'm wondering is if this is what caused the axle to get stuck, or if the differences in diameter are due to me hitting it with the punch?

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I'm pretty sure my axles are slightly thicker at the ends than in the middle. There's an engineering reason for it, perhaps?

The hammering to get the axle back in - I have to do that too, often.

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