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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPR/TPU Outsole

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Hey guys,

To satisfy my curiosity, I was wondering if anyone knew why some pros prefer the TPR/TPU outsole on the newer skates. I think the best example I've seen is Dan Boyle. A recent thread also mentions Paul Kariya. What are the performance differences? As I'm a sucker for hockey marketing, I figured carbon composite = stiffer = better... please educate me.

Thanks guys

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Some pro's just like what they've always had and don't want to change. Some don't like the super stiffness. Superstition, etc....If a pro thinks it works and doesn't want to change they won't no matter what the equip manager or reps try to throw at them. It could be many things. Just my $0.02.

Marketing - "the ability to convince people to spend money they don't have on stuff they don't need" I believe it was Will Rogers who said that.

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Great question. I hope someone can chime in with pros/cons of different outsole materials. I'm guessing stiffness provides better energy transfer in your first explosive starts but may inhibit flow through turns due to less flex. This is the case with surfboards at least but that's a different forum. I skated on 703's for years and tried G3's a few years back and didn't like the feel (don't rememeber why) so I searched for and bought older model 703's. The older model 707's I just bought have a more beige color outsole. They're not as bright white and seem a little more rubbery. I have no idea what this material is and haven't seen it on any other skates. There is even a "spongier" part right in the middle of the sole. I'm guessing this allows for more flex. Whatever the case, these skates are smooooth and comfy to skate on right from the start.

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I realize this thread is a dead a long time ago but definitely it is the feel. The slightly softer outsole gives a better less rigid feel and for me better control allowing me to tourqe twist and flex using the ballsof my feet etc. The rigid fully compsite outsoles dont allow for this coupled with the very unstable feel as a result9 For me ). You feel every rut in the ice whereas the give of the tpu outsole dampens that feel a bit. Im sure there is no difference in speed generated as i feel way more comfortable in a tpu outsole and I can generate just as much power because of the added ability to flex the skate but thats just me. Im now looking into getting my next pair with a tpu outsole. I had graf 705s and I love the line but they get to heavy now so Im trying to figure out which skate will be bext for me at this point. I may never solve this issue lol but ill try lol

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