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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Konig von Kuhlem

Bauer Pro Series Shoulder Pads

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Bearfight - I don't have any on-ice experience with th ST16's but the design is significantly different. The ST's have a lot of small segments and the Pro's have bigger segments strategically segmented. I suspect that bigger segments disperse energy better.

The collarbone/arch guards on the Pros are very hard but flex just enough not to be rigid.

They also feature grip print to hold it in place at the top better.

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Thanks for the input skarbro, just one more quick question - how bulky are they compared to the eastons you tried on? These could be just what I'm looking for if they hold a lower profile than the ST's.

If anyone else with on ice experience with contact/checking has any more input please let us know! I'm pretty interested in these pads right now.

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Anybody have any success with the pro series shin guards? I'm interested in investing in both.

there's some good feedback on the shins. A quick search will turn some stuff up. You could also read up on the lightspeeds too since those are the same as the new pro series

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there's some good feedback on the shins. A quick search will turn some stuff up. You could also read up on the lightspeeds too since those are the same as the new pro series

That's true. The only difference in the shoulder pads other than color scheme, is that the new Pro series split the bicep protector into 2 pieces instead of one for the Lightspeeds. I've worn both and they feel the same.

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Picked up a pair of these today in large. They pad as a whole fits me very well, I'm just hoping the shoulder caps sit wide enough on me (i'm very broad) to do a proper job at protecting me.

Initial impressions upon trying them on with elbow pads and a jersey are pretty positive. Very impressed by how solid they feel, and I'm coming from the big ST16's. Also played around a little in the shop trying to test the mobility and they feel great. Even non-hockey movements felt natural and loose.

Playing a game with them tonight, will give a little more info on how they feel with contact if anyone is interested.

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Just wanted to bring this up again, can anyone compare the shoulder size to some Jofa's? I have the 7500. The protection is fine, however there's 2 things I don't really like. The giant shoulder cap and the chest guard thing, sticks out too much for my liking. I'm looking at these for replacements, could do quite nicely.

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