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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X60 Skate Eyelets Rip

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Hey Guys,

I bought a pair of Bauer x60s two months ago and I love the skates. They are amazing. However, recently the 4th eyelet from the top on one of my skates has started to pull out. Or in other words the leather holding the eyelet is ripping.

Essentially I'm pulling too hard on my laces (I like my skates tight) and it is causing this rip. I took the skates to my dealer for advice and they basically told me that I cant tie my skates tight... They also said they could stitch more leather over top of the rip to reinforce it.

So I'm curious, has anyone else ever had this problem before? If so what did you do?

Thanks a lot!

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