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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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outside ankle pain vapor x60's

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ok guys here is my issue, hope someone can offera solution. i have recently been skating about 3 times a week an about 5 months ago i purchased a pair of x60's. an i must say i love them, this was the best skate i have ever put from box to ice an not ever had a problem, until about 6-10 sessions ago, i am gettin alot of outside ankle pain at the top of teh boot, now i am sure it is the shear fact that the boot is just stiff, butit is getting almost unbearable, it is both ankles. so this is what i have tries so far, first i tried folding tongues down shin pad on inside, next i tried leaving the top eyelet open that didnt work, so i though maybe i had too much movement in my boot, they fit perfect! help me out! thanks guys...

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My bet is that the top of the boot is folding in slightly now that they are broken in. Try making sure that the top 3 eyelets are equally tight and that the top eyelet isn't tighter than the next couple. It could be that simple.

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