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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tour g7 glove

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Hey i cam across these gloves in atl during a tourney i few months ago. I loved how they looked and the way how they where already broken in. the thing is do they make them in a 13inch? and how is the durability? i dont wanna buy a glove because it looks cool and shreds in a month. (and i saw them in usa colors at a tourney a kid was wearing them, where can i get the usa color at?) thanks guys

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The G7 was a great glove. They are still going for like $180 on hockeygiant. They are also Canadian made glove for those who find that important. I'm not sure why Tour stopped making them, but I've been told that the Lionheart has a lot of the same features as the G7, but is made in China so the cost can be less. A few guys on my team still wear G7^3's and love them. If you can find a pair for cheaper, I'd highly recommend them.

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To the best of my knowledge the G7 only came in one size, 14 inch. The all black versions palms feature a rubber type material insert in the palm for added durability. I am not sure if this feature was present on all of the G7 models.

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The retail version only came in a 14.5". I could be wrong but I could have sworn custom G7-3's could be had in 13"

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