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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are these sealed bearings?

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These are the stock bearings that came with my skates. I never seen them before and I have no idea if I even take the bearing plate off to clean the balls.


Mission Abec 7's

Have anyone seen/used these bearings before? If so, can you remove the bearing place to clean the balls inside? Or they completely sealed :neutral:?

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I've never seen those bearings before but as far as I can tell they are sealed. Shielding bearings usually have a little "C" clip that you can pop-out with a pin, which frees the shield for servicing. More info here: How to Clean Skate Bearings You may still be able to remove the covers but YMMV

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I've never seen those bearings before but as far as I can tell they are sealed. Shielding bearings usually have a little "C" clip that you can pop-out with a pin, which frees the shield for servicing. More info here: How to Clean Skate Bearings You may still be able to remove the covers but YMMV

Thank you for the quick reply! I was afraid they would be sealed bearings. I tried poking the edges with a small pin, but nothing will move.

Not sure if they are even worth cleaning, but I will keep that link as a future reference.

Thanks keegan!

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those are sealed. you cannot remove the seals without destroying the bearing since the seals are pressed in. however, they should last a long time.

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