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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer non-grip grip

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I'm looking to get a one95..i picked up a non-grip one the other day but it seemed a little sticky...anyone else notice that bauer's non-grip is my grippy than other brands (ie. reebok/easton clear grip)?

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I'm looking to get a one95..i picked up a non-grip one the other day but it seemed a little sticky...anyone else notice that bauer's non-grip is my grippy than other brands (ie. reebok/easton clear grip)?

Sticky? It's just tactile on the corners. It's more grip than a non grip s17 or something like that if you were wondering

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I've got a K. Bieksa pro stock ONE95 that I think is sort of like that.

IT does not have tactile corners and it isn't grippy like the stick'um, but it does feel like it's got some kind of grippy finish to it.

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