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Hockey parents sue youth league for $25K after sons are cut

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True story. This reminds me of that Nightline interview that was done with Diddy a few weeks back:


I mean when parents go overboard to give kids more than an opportunity or they detour struggle and try to give their kids the Cliff's Notes version of life, it makes them soft as balls. I mean suing an hockey program for your kid getting cut and buying them a $360K automobile are essentially the same things in a sense that it shows your kids that you can have whatever you want because I worked hard, not cause you did.

Suing for not making a hockey team and buying your kid a $360k car are very different things. It has nothing to do with the kid getting something because the parent worked hard. By suing in this situation you're teaching your kid that if you don't like the outcome of a situation then just bitch, complain, and sue until you get your way.

While buying a $360k car for a kid is definitely excessive, Diddy has the money, he's earned it and its his right to do whatever he wants with it and give his kids whatever he wants to. For all we know the car was a reward because his kid is just a real good kid. None of us knows. Will it affect how his kid grows up? Absolutely, but he's the father and its up to him to judge if he wants that to happen. That reporter was way out of line to question Diddy's choice of car to buy his kid. I would never buy a kid a car like that, but I will always defend someone's right to do whatever they want with their money, they earned that right.

Its not my right to judge how these people raise their kid, but the fact that they're filing frivolous law suits and tying up the justice system with something this asinine is what gets to me.

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This is ridiculous. I was upset when I got cut from my travel baseball team years ago, one in which I played on for 5 years prior to getting cut, but I simply let it go and played for another team. Parents these days take things way too far.

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