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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Source For Sports

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Just got back from my Source for Sports and the owner told me he got the majority of his hockey gear in now. It seems like this year moreso that he went with a lot of the custom models for the Source.

RBK Pants Pro Platinum - If I recall that was the name of them. The owner thought they were equivalent to 9k Pants. I had a pair on and thought they were fairly nice. I don't know about being 9ks, but they weren't very expensive. That's the only model of RBK pants in the store

CCM U-Fit 09 Pants - Didn't care much for them personally. They looked flimsy and light, but felt bulky and heavy when I had them on. Tried a few other CCM pants Vibe and Control I think those were the names, didn't care much for them either. He didn't order the PROs.

Easton - Only custom pants here. They had the 999 and the 555. Neither did much for me.

Bauer - They did have the Vapor X-60s. Also from Bauer they had the Shift. He told me they were likely equivalent to the x-40. Both pants were decent, but I think I prefer the RBK pants over all else. Just wished they had more of a selection from RBK and Easton.

Planned on buying one95 shins but went with their custom models Bauer Shift instead. They felt lighter, they seemed to fit better for me, and from what I've been told the one95s seem to have problems with the caps.

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RBK Pants Pro Platinum - If I recall that was the name of them. The owner thought they were equivalent to 9k Pants. I had a pair on and thought they were fairly nice. I don't know about being 9ks, but they weren't very expensive. That's the only model of RBK pants in the store

Quite possible they are like the 2010 9k's, cause this year's 9k's are not the top end pants, 11k's are.

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that store is probably within a reasonably close proximity to other hockey shops, and is just trying to protect itself, pricing wise... because a lot of the SFS in BC dont really buy into the SMU program that much.

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Quite possible they are like the 2010 9k's, cause this year's 9k's are not the top end pants, 11k's are.

Yeah, that's what he said, although he wasn't entirely sure sounding.

that store is probably within a reasonably close proximity to other hockey shops, and is just trying to protect itself, pricing wise... because a lot of the SFS in BC dont really buy into the SMU program that much.

You would think, but we only have one other shop and it's Sports Chek who carries lower-end gear and other than that we'd have no hockey shops probably within couple hundred kilo or more (450KM - Edmonton)

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that store is probably within a reasonably close proximity to other hockey shops, and is just trying to protect itself, pricing wise... because a lot of the SFS in BC dont really buy into the SMU program that much.

...dunno what proximity means, but the Time out stores I know in BC have smu stuff. Aka the Reebok bronze, silver and platinum(what you just showed), Bauer One Comp series, Shift series, velocity blah blah blah.

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its funny you say that because when i was typing "a lot of", the exception in my mind was Time Out, which does a ton of SMU.

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So the RBK Platinum pants are likely decent pants!? I really liked the feel of them, just wasn't sure of the quality just because of the model name, never heard of it.

I bought the Bauer Shift shin pads at the Source and I just noticed today our other hockey store has the Bauer X-40 shin pads in. Both pairs are the exact same price. I'm assuming they're both the same quality as well? The owner at the Source told me that the shift are equivalent to the x-40s.

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So the RBK Platinum pants are likely decent pants!? I really liked the feel of them, just wasn't sure of the quality just because of the model name, never heard of it.

I bought the Bauer Shift shin pads at the Source and I just noticed today our other hockey store has the Bauer X-40 shin pads in. Both pairs are the exact same price. I'm assuming they're both the same quality as well? The owner at the Source told me that the shift are equivalent to the x-40s.

They should be. The only part I know of for the Shift line which is better than X:40 is the skates, mainly since they have some materials from the X:50.

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