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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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4 roll gloves

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I have a pair of CCM Pro Tacks that I love to death, however they're worn out. My high school team is Purple and Gold and there are these Purple and Gold gloves from TSR that are Bauer 4-rolls. Do all 4-rolls fit roughly the same? CCM 14 vs Bauer 14?

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I have a pair of CCM Pro Tacks that I love to death, however they're worn out. My high school team is Purple and Gold and there are these Purple and Gold gloves from TSR that are Bauer 4-rolls. Do all 4-rolls fit roughly the same? CCM 14 vs Bauer 14?

i can't say i know if they will fit the same, but if i can give you any advice it would be to go to your lhs and try a pair of the bauer 4 rolls in that size to make sure you like them. i have never had a pair but when i have tried them on they felt comfortable to me, but everybody has their own taste for gloves, so make sure you try them on first.

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My region in terms of LHS sucks. The closest one that would sell Bauer 4-rolls is Ziggy in J-town and he's 2 hours away.

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"The Bauer Pro 4 Roll hockey gloves are an excellent example of a quality traditional style hockey glove. This is the only traditional fit hockey glove in the Bauer line. The traditional design type gives the player generous volume throughout the glove offering maximum wrist mobility."

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