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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S19 shaft question

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So I bought an S19 shaft the other day and got a one95 wood blade to go in it, my problem now is that it feels extremely heavy and unbalanced --Does anyone have any suggestion on a good blade to put in it to get the weight down?

On a completely unrelated note-- I was wondering if anyone knows where I might find a pair of pro stock black warrior franchise gloves with the black carbon pinky like Mark Savard and Marian Hossa wear?


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compo one95 blade has worked nicely for me, when i was using the S15 shaft. i've heard good things about harrow blades, too.

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Eaton makes the S19 blade to go with the S19 shaft. If you can find some S15 blades, they should do the job as well since the S19 is probably a repaint of the S15.

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So I bought an S19 shaft the other day and got a one95 wood blade to go in it, my problem now is that it feels extremely heavy and unbalanced --Does anyone have any suggestion on a good blade to put in it to get the weight down?

On a completely unrelated note-- I was wondering if anyone knows where I might find a pair of pro stock black warrior franchise gloves with the black carbon pinky like Mark Savard and Marian Hossa wear?


You might want to cut-down the shaft a little bit and add an extension plug.

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compo one95 blade has worked nicely for me, when i was using the S15 shaft. i've heard good things about harrow blades, too.

Harrow blades are good, but a bit on the heavier side. Their lightest blade is 150 grams i think.

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compo one95 blade has worked nicely for me, when i was using the S15 shaft. i've heard good things about harrow blades, too.

Prob some of the reason he didn't buy a s19 blade, is cause they have a tendency to break.

I use a comp one95 blade with mine, but I agree using a wood plug should give you better balance on the stick. If you still are having issues, you could drill the plug and add weight to it

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