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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Referee Pants

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Just wanted to see if any one had some input as to any experiences they have had with either the Steven's St103 pant or the PG pro model padded pant. Right now i am wearing a ccm girdle with a pair of ccm pants, but want to move into a pant with pads built in. i dont like the look of the ccm pant with built in pads so that one is out of the question. please let me know if you have any feedback.


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Just wanted to see if any one had some input as to any experiences they have had with either the Steven's St103 pant or the PG pro model padded pant. Right now i am wearing a ccm girdle with a pair of ccm pants, but want to move into a pant with pads built in. i dont like the look of the ccm pant with built in pads so that one is out of the question. please let me know if you have any feedback.


I agree. The logo on the front is just plain stupid. i Have the stevens shells right now and there mad comfy. I know many people that wear the stevens with the built in girdle and they love it. I am planning on getting some when these pants start to go bad.

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The CCM ones are absolute garbage, glad to see you aren't considering them. I had a pair and it was like wearing a garbage bag.

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I wear a Stevens shell with a Reebok girdle. I've heard good things about the PG pro pants, but I've never worn them.

I found the CCM padded pants to be bad looking (but a little work with a seam ripper fixed that) and awkward. The hip padding is too tall, making it hard to bend down for a puck.

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Just saw on a website tonight that the PG padded pant now has removable pads in it, so they can be taken out when washed. based on that this might be the way for me to go because with a little work i should be able put the pads where i want and customize them that way. but i really want to be able to try a pair on or hear from some one before i buy them.

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Just saw on a website tonight that the PG padded pant now has removable pads in it, so they can be taken out when washed. based on that this might be the way for me to go because with a little work i should be able put the pads where i want and customize them that way. but i really want to be able to try a pair on or hear from some one before i buy them.

What is nice about the PG is that the pads aren't sewn into the pant legs, they are strapped to your thigh. One of the things that bugs me about padding sewn into the pant legs, is they render a belt pretty much useless. The pant legs become heavier, and slide down while you're skating. Suspenders bug me, which is why I prefer a girdle style of padding (as in the PG). I also don't like how you can see the pads in padded pants, because they are sewn into the material. With a girdle and shell or girdle style pant, the pants hang over the padding, which to me looks much cleaner.

I asked an acquaintance last night who worked my game how he liked them, and he said he loves them, but that the first pair he bought were way too big, and he had to return them, so trying them on would probably be a good idea.

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Just came across this article so I will give my 2cents. I have worn the stevens pants with built in pads for 2years now. You cannot see the stitching at all unless you are within a couple of feet of the pants, so if you're out on the ice no one will see the stitching at all. The pads don't weigh any extra at all, nothing noticeable, so they won't ride down like one person said. The kidney protector around the stomach I, as many others do in the pants, have taken off, which is done so easily. They are easily washable with the pads in them. I'm 6'2" tall and I've heard some people say the padding bulges out and makes shorter men look stocky in the legs, but I know some shorter guys that the pants look great on.

I'd personally reccommend the Stevens pants. I've tried on the PG and I just don't like them as much.

What is nice about the PG is that the pads aren't sewn into the pant legs, they are strapped to your thigh. One of the things that bugs me about padding sewn into the pant legs, is they render a belt pretty much useless. The pant legs become heavier, and slide down while you're skating. Suspenders bug me, which is why I prefer a girdle style of padding (as in the PG). I also don't like how you can see the pads in padded pants, because they are sewn into the material. With a girdle and shell or girdle style pant, the pants hang over the padding, which to me looks much cleaner.

I asked an acquaintance last night who worked my game how he liked them, and he said he loves them, but that the first pair he bought were way too big, and he had to return them, so trying them on would probably be a good idea.

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