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S19 Users, Comparable flex to what?

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I've already checked out the flex chart at the top of the MSH page, but I'd really like to read some firsthand thoughts from actual users.

I'm considering picking up one of these. I have read that the 85 flex s19's seem to be a bit more flexible than other sticks in the 85-87 range, which is what I'm looking for. I currently have an 87 flex x60 that I had to cut down a couple inches to suit me, and its a bit too stiff. Is there anyone who has used both sticks, or somewhat close to both sticks that can confirm or deny that they feel the same or a possibly different in the flex profile?

Any insight would be great.

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It was the S17s that felt whippier than their ratings. For the S19, Easton upraded to their pro stock flex profile. As a result, the sticks are much stiffer than the S17s and, in my opinion, feel stiffer than rated. The 85s feel like Easton's 100s in the past.

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I've already checked out the flex chart at the top of the MSH page, but I'd really like to read some firsthand thoughts from actual users.

I'm considering picking up one of these. I have read that the 85 flex s19's seem to be a bit more flexible than other sticks in the 85-87 range, which is what I'm looking for. I currently have an 87 flex x60 that I had to cut down a couple inches to suit me, and its a bit too stiff. Is there anyone who has used both sticks, or somewhat close to both sticks that can confirm or deny that they feel the same or a possibly different in the flex profile?

Any insight would be great.

I was using the 77 flex X60 for a while until it broke recently. Picked up and 85 flex S19, It seems a little stiffer than my 60, the 60 was cut down about 2 inches or so, as was the 19. The 19's indicated flex markings listed the stock height at about an 80 flex. cut down 2 inches put it at pretty much an 85. So I'm assuming my cut 60 was right around an 80+ flex. Confusing lol?? With that said the slight difference in possible flex the 19 to me felt noticeably stiffer. Easton does however have the 75 flex S19's out now, so if your looking for something whipper than your 87 flex cut down, I'd probably go with that.

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